I recently finished this great book nights of rain and stars by maeve binchy. now i have never read one of her books but i was most impressed reading it just made me want to be there.
the story is set in a Greek island in a town of Anna aghia where a terrible boat accident happened locals and tourists die and the owner of the taverna witnesses it with 5 tourists there
these is 5 people who come to the island but only 4 remain as Shane who ends up in jail these 4 become friends tragedy brought them together as they learn more about each other and there lives they become friends then they meet vonni who is from Ireland and came to Anna aghia many years ago and is mysterious but they all find out her story in time.
Elsa : is from Germany who works in television but has ran away from a lover.
Fiona and Shane : are :from Ireland Fiona who is a nurse and Shane who is brute has can be who traveling around but things do not work out for the best Fiona gets pregnant Shane beats her and ends up in jail and Fiona has a miscarriage
Thomas : from California who has a son is divorced now his wife remarried and is giving his son time to adjust with a new man in his life but misses his son but in a way don't want to go back
David : is from England who is seeing the world but don't want to go home because of his overbearing father
They all have problems but vonni makes each of them see what mistakes they are making and they end up all going home with new friendships, new lovers and seeing the world outside of the box that they live in.
i really recommend this book a must read for everyone
this book is by MacArthur & company & the retail value of this book is 24.95 CDN and available at most book stores.