well i am at peace with my anxiety and such now i don't know weather my medication finally kicked in or came to my senses and figured out that i was running away from the problem or what but after long discussion with the hubby we decided not move . now i know for weeks i have been excited to move but then i was giving myself anxiety at the same time maybe i thought moving would give me a new life or would solve all my problems instead of facing them but it just caused me more stress and anxiety and you know what ? As soon as i decided not to move all the anxiety just lifted away and i felt better maybe i should listen to my thoughts more often . and now after we told the landlord we were not moving she want's to fix things now if i can just get my apartment reorganized that will be another thing i also have been thinking i need to get help with my issues and not hide behind them maybe i can get out more , go for walks to make myself feel better in times of stress. I did a while back join this adult day progam for people with mental health issues called partnership place and i have started to feel better about things but odsp disability not giving me and hubby enough to live on is an issue we have a hard time making every day needs but transportation is a problem the bus being at $3.25 a ride makes it hard but i am working on getting transportation just i got the form filled out almost 3 months ago and i have a problem remembering to bring it in. my doctor unfourtently only put it for 3 months so i guess i will bring that one in and then get another filled out but still i feel like a dufus not bring it in the first place
well i guess that all for now until next time

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